Women and girls are disproportionately affected by the measures adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (see, among others, the…
Sex workers in the time of COVID-19
Across Europe and in most parts of the world, the streets are nearly empty, especially at night. Massage parlours and…
ELaN PhD Seminars online: “Prospettive giusfemministe. Eguaglianza, cura, vulnerabilità” by Serena Vantin, April 23
ELaN Seminars move to Web! Because of the general suspension of didactic and dissemination activities at the University of Pisa…
Second ELaN Seminar by prof. Santos Fernandez has been cancelled because of the Covid-19 Emergency
The Seminar scheduled for March 26 on “Women’s Job: an opportunity for everybody”, by prof. Maria Dolores Santos Fernandez (University…
19 Papers selected for the First International ELaN Workshop (June 19-20 2020)
A selection commettee within the ELaN Teching Staff (prof. Stradella, prof. Calderai, prof. Martines, prof. Bonini and prof. Sperti) has…
The first ELaN Training course for lawyers is going to start!
Legal experts, Academic scholars and pratictioners will meet for a “training month” on Gender and Domestic Violence against Women. First…
Just Published the best papers of the students that attended the first European Law and Gender Course, AY 2019/2020!
In the section ELaN Studies – Working Papers you can find the selected best papers of the students that have…
ELaN Seminars 2020: ready to start!
The ELaN seminar series are open to undergraduate students and PhD students. It aims at promoting and disseminating innovative learning…
Last days for the participation to the “call for logo”
The Department of Law of the University of Pisa announces a graphic competition in order to identify a logo for…
Call for paper “Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe”
The Department of Law of the University of Pisa hosts a two-days international workshop on Gender based approaches to the…